What If We Avoided “Resolutions?”

As we cautiously enter 2021, what if we avoided “resolutions” which can be fleeting and instead focused on actions meant to embrace our passions and realize our dreams?  For years I’ve discussed with my husband the desire to help more people than my jobs at the time could allow.  I truly believed that I could make a greater impact through consulting, but fear of failure held me back.  Ultimately, I wasn’t willing to bet on myself.  It is that fear of failure that is the focus for today.


Recently, I listened to a podcast by Rachel Hollis, where part of the episode discussed why the fear of failing is so triggering for many of us.  Rachel spoke about how we do ourselves a disservice when we do not allow for failure or refrain from experiences because we don’t want to chance failure.  I have always been one to dream but it was these fears of failure that were holding me back.  Fear of failure holds us back from continuing to set goals or pursue dreams. The brutal result of this cycle is stagnation.  

What we’re not always willing to acknowledge or discuss with others are the failures made while attempting to achieve our goals.  These failures are necessary and powerful, through them we may even realize that the goals we set, weren’t really the right ones.  Going after our goals takes courage and a willingness to fail.  But why don’t we talk about that part with each other?  Why do we feel ashamed or embarrassed when we fail along the way?  The answers are different for us all, for some it’s ego and others the sense that others will think less of them.  

We strive to teach our children to be courageous. However, true courage is to allow yourself to fail and be willing to put ego aside in order to learn and move forward.  The greatest of successes cannot be truly enjoyed without the struggle along the way.  Therefore my challenge to all of us is to enter this new year with a willingness to be courageous enough to not allow fear of failure to prevent us from trying something new.  If we cannot do it for ourselves, how can we expect to be the example for our children?    



Let’s Remove the Barriers


How Will You Choose to View 2020?